Letter #2: Monday, January 4, 2021: "Our wrestling"[2021-01-04][Engleză]Monday, January 4, 2021 "For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places." St. Paul, Letter to the Ephesians 6:12  "The Truth can be denied by the majority for a certain amount of time, or by some people forever, but it can never be hidden from everyone forever. This is the lesson of History, which has inexorably revealed the great crimes of the past and those who perpetrated them." Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, in an interview with Steve Bannon broadcast today on Bannon's "WarRoom" podcast. (The full text of the interview is published below. Here is also a link to the text.)  "Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse... Consider that I have set before thee this day life and good, and on the other hand death and evil." God speaking to the people of Israel, Deuteronomy, 11:26 and 30:15 =========  Our Wrestling  Today Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò was interviewed by Steve Bannon on Bannon's daily "WarRoom" podcast, which is listened to and viewed by hundreds of thousands around the world. (Here is also a link to the text.)  I asked Viganó yesterday, before the airing of the interview, whether he had any reservations about accepting an invitation to speak on a "political" platform, one unreservedly aligned politically with U.S. President Donald Trump.  "I did reflect for a moment, I did not accept the invitation right away," Viganò said. "But upon reflection, I accepted. I think it is important to communicate certain truths and principles as widely as possible at this critical moment."  Two important, inter-related processes, it seems, are now unfolding before our eyes.  Each seems to be nearing a certain moment of critical decision.  On the political level, in the United States, a long political election struggle is reaching its climax.  On the spiritual level, inside the Roman Church herself, a long doctrinal struggle over the meaning and availability of the salvation from sin and death offered to mankind by Jesus Christ is also reaching a climax.  Oremus let us pray, that truth, wisdom and what is good will prevail. ==============  Letters from Readers  Yesterday I spoke about the division among readers of this Letter between those who appreciate my publication of the words of Archbishop Viganò, and those who regard the archbishop's words as unhelpful and divisive, and so urge me not to give attention to his words.  Here are a few samples among perhaps 50 letters I received:  Dear Mr. Moynihan,  I read with alarm part of your letter today, where you said some were urging you not to continue to publish the words of Archbishop Viganò.  His words are necessary to understanding where the truth lies in today's dialogue both inside and outside the Church. The current ambiance of censorship in the public square across the West is stifling and reminiscent of what we saw in countries like Poland, Hungary, and East Germany in my lifetime, and of what continues unchanged in places like Cuba and Red China.Please do not listen to the voices of readers suggesting you visit this genre of darkness on your publication.  Yours in Christ  John  And this:  Im a big supporter of Archbishop Vigano, but as a critical care nurse for over 40 years I can tell you hes wrong about COVID. Its real. Ive never seen anything like it. I was very skeptical at first but after seeing how it affects folks I can tell you its much worse than the flu. It seems he tries to minimize it for some reason  Thank you,  Leah  And this:  Thank you Robert for the meditation from Archbishop Viganò. I would however disagree on one point as a trained nurse that this contagion is not flu but is indeed Covid-19. It presents in a very different way than flu by attacking the lungs and eventually other organs in severe cases. I personally view this plague as a purification of a World in chaos. I often meditate on the words of St Teresa of Avila Let nothing disturb us Let nothing afright us All things are passing God is with us  A Happy and blessed New Year to you and yours  Paula  And this:  Dear Bob, Please, do NOT cease sharing Archbishop Vigano's thoughts in your letters! There is so much rubbish being foisted upon us these days from other sources that it is most welcomed to hear the clear voice of a fervent, even impassioned, believer. We have all had too much of the "scientists" this past year, and all their prognostications that have mostly served to confuse and frighten rather than educate or enlighten.... Also, Bob, you must certainly keep on writing your letters. They are thought-provoking and welcome. Wise words from folks like you and Archbishop Vigano, brighten up this vale of tears and remind us that "God's in His heaven", even if all may not be right with the world.  Julia  And this:  Thank you, thank you Dr. Moynihan for speaking the words we all need to hear. Our faith and trust in the Lord and his son Jesus are our strength and will be now through eternity. We cannot think that our minds and bodies can ultimately be controlled by mere man who wants to be all powerful. Our Lord is our refuge, our strength, our peace, and our eternity. Thank you for bringing Gods truth to us through your letters which are most definitely guided by Gods Holy Spirit.  Sincerely,  Angela  But also this:  I continue to look forward to your wonderful words to us conservative Catholics. I am afraid though, that with your insistence on promoting Viganò's Trumpian thoughts on our internal political scandals I will no longer read, but rather skip over what you post from him. You mentioned "It is the task of human reason to evaluate facts,...to arrive at the truth about things" and "corrected by bringing forward new evidence." After 59 conservative judges and even the Supreme Court unanimously (twice I might add) rejected the very idea that Trump brings "facts and evidence" when there is none presented is good enough proof of an attempted coup. After yesterday's (Sunday, Jan. 3) disclosure of the president's call with Georgia officials it should be enough "facts", "truth" and "evidence" of what abuse of power looks like. I hope Vigano, and by extension you, will reconsider following a leader who puts loyalty to him over the country and constitution. Pray for unity and charity over the current promotion of division and hate.  Kurt  Then this:  Please do not listen to the naysayers and keep publishing Archbishop Vigano. He is correct: The so-called pandemic is above all a mechanism of political control. And they intend to keep using it forever, calling up new "mutations" whenever necessary to instill fear and justify new lockdowns.  Steve  And this:  Thank you for publishing the letters, they have been a consolation and have brought the Grace to pray for the Church Hierarchy rather than to become angry. Thank you Dr. Moynihan, it is a great blessing to us that you have a friendship with Archbishop Vigano and the ability to publish his letters to us.  Judi  But also this:  I am one of those others who profess profound disappointment that you gave Archbishop Viganò a platform to continue to publicly humiliate the holy father Pope Francis. If there is confusion in the Church it has not been caused by the Holy Father but by Viganò and his comrades. And you, Robert, by giving platform are same as soldiers at Calvary. They did not convict Jesus to death but carried out the crucifixion. You actually cause the same wounds.  Anne (Australia)   And here is a final letter which seemed important to share:  I just finished reading your new book, "Finding Viganò." [Note: You may order the book by clicking on this link.] I read about love, faith, fatherhood, family, and truth versus lies. Archbishop Viganò is the central character, but could not any one of us be that central character? It took tremendous courage to stand against what he knew would come, and that's where most of us would shrink from the task. Not Viganò. I loved the way he described his upbringing -- his mother herding the family to the cellar when bombers flew over Italy during World War II, the key roles that his mother and father played in the building of faith, constant prayers, along with the trust and connectedness of the community, the very things that built him up (and you) for a "time such as this."  I could also feel the sorrow from Viganò as I read your story, for all he knew and tried to communicate, for the Church, and its future... Telling the truth should not all be on the shoulders of one person. I hope he knows that by his testimony, it can't help but turn sorrow into relief and finally some peace, not only for the innocent who were abused, but hopefully for the abusers who want to make a genuine confession and cleanse their souls of these terrible stains. I think those tears that Viganò shed were for them too.  Linda After reading all of the letters, I felt that there was a certain consensus among my readers to continue to publish the writings of the archbishop, although I am also aware of how divisive the writing can seem to some. Therefore, I will continue to publish (as below) the archbishop's writings as they appear from time to time (although he told me he is a"feeling a little bit tired" right now, and so may not write so much in coming weeks). I will also make an effort to address the question of respect for the role of Pope Francis and the question of Pope Francis' vision for the Church, and possible concerns about that vision, in coming letters. RM ====================== "If the United States misses this opportunity, now, it will be wiped out from History"Archbishop Viganò, in the interview broadcast today Interview of Dr. Steve Bannon WAR ROOM with His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop Broadcast January 4, 2021 1. Now that the Vatican has renewed its insidious secret agreement with China, a deal which you have repeatedly condemned as promoted by Bergoglio with the assistance of McCarrick, what can the children of light of the Great Awakening concretely do to undermine this unholy alliance with this brutal Communist regime? Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: The dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party is allied to the global deep state, on the one hand so that together they can attain the goals that they have in common, on the other hand because the plans for the Great Reset are an opportunity to increase the economic power of China in the world, beginning with the invasion of national markets. At the same time that it pursues this project in its foreign policy, China is pursuing a domestic plan to restore the Maoist tyranny, which requires the cancellation of religions (primarily the Catholic religion), replacing them with a religion of the State which definitely has many elements in common with the universal religion desired by globalist ideology, whose spiritual leader is Bergoglio. The complicity of Bergoglios deep church in this infernal project has deprived Chinese Catholics of the indefectible defense that the Papacy had always been for them. Up until the papacy of Benedict XVI, the papacy had not made any agreements with the Beijing dictatorship, and the Roman Pontiff retained the exclusive right to appoint bishops and govern dioceses. I recall that even at the time of the Bill Clinton administration during the 1990s, former Cardinal McCarrick was the point of contact between the deep church and the American deep state, carrying out political missions in China on behalf of the US administration. And the suspicions that the resignation of Benedict XVI involved China are quite strong and coherent with the picture that has been emerging in recent months. Thus we find ourselves faced with an infamous betrayal of the mission of the Church of Christ, carried out by her highest leaders in open conflict with those members of the Chinese Catholic underground hierarchy who have remained faithful to Our Lord and to His Church. My affectioned thoughts and prayers are with them and with Cardinal Zen, an eminent confessor of the faith, whom Bergoglio recently shamefully refused to receive. We believers must act on the spiritual level by fervent prayer, asking God to give special protection to the Church in China, and also by continually denouncing the aberrations carried out by the Chinese regime. This action must be accompanied by a work of raising awareness within governments and international institutions that have not been compromised by the Chinese communist dictatorship, so that the violations of human rights and the attacks on the freedom of the Catholic Church in China may be denounced and punished with sanctions and strong diplomatic pressure. And this is the line that President Trump is pursuing with decisive courage. Beijings complicity with political and religious elements that are involved in murky operations of speculation and corruption must likewise be exposed. These profit-driven dealings constitute a very grave act of treason by politicians and public officials against their nation and also a grave betrayal of the Church by the men who lead her. I also think that in some cases this betrayal is not only carried out by individuals but also by the institutions themselves, as in the case of the European Union, which is currently finalizing a commercial agreement with China despite its systematic violation of human rights and its violent repression of dissent. It would be an irreparable disaster if Joe Biden, who is heavily suspected of being complicit with the Chinese dictatorship, would be designated as President of the United States. 2. You have been very confident that God desires a Trump victory in order to defeat the forces of evil inherent in the globalists Great Reset. What would you say to convince the naysayers who are ambivalent to the idea that this is a momentous battle between the children of light and the children of darkness? Archbishop Viganò: I simply consider who Trumps adversary is and his numerous ties to China, the deep state, and the advocates of globalist ideology. I think of his intention to condemn us all to wear masks, as he has candidly admitted. I think of the fact that, incontestably, he is only a puppet in the hands of the elite, who are ready to remove him as soon they decide to replace him with Kamala Harris. Beyond the political alignments, we must further understand that above all in a complex situation like the present one it is essential that the victory of the one who is elected President must be guaranteed in its absolute legal legitimacy, avoiding any suspicion of fraud and taking note of the overwhelming evidence of irregularities that has emerged in several states. A President who is simply proclaimed as such by the mainstream media affiliated with the deep state would be deprived of all legitimacy and would expose the nation to dangerous foreign interference, as has already been shown to have happened in the current election. 3. You seem to suggest that the Trump Administration could be instrumental in helping to return the Church to a pre-Francis Catholicism. How does the Trump Administration accomplish that, and how can American Catholics work to save the world from this globalist reset? Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglios subservience to the globalist agenda is obvious, as well as his active support for the election of Joe Biden. In the same way, Bergoglios hostility to Trump and his repeated attacks against the President are evident. It is clear that Bergoglio considers Trump as his principal adversary, the obstacle that needs to be removed, so that the Great Reset can be put in motion. Thus on the one hand we have the Trump administration and the traditional values that it holds in common with those of Catholics; on the other hand we have the deep state of the self-styled Catholic Joe Biden, who is subservient to the globalist ideology and its perverse, anti-human, antichristic, infernal agenda. In order to put an end to the deep church and restore the Catholic Church, the extent of the involvement of the leaders of the Church with the Masonic-globalist project will have to be revealed: the nature of the corruption and crimes that these men have carried out, thereby making themselves vulnerable to blackmail, just as happens in a similar way in the political field to members of the deep state, beginning with Biden himself. Thus it is to be hoped that any proof of such crimes that is in the possession of the Secret Services would be brought to light, especially in relation to the true motives that led to the resignation of Benedict XVI and the conspiracies underlying the election of Bergoglio, thereby permitting the expulsion of the mercenaries who have seized control of the Church. American Catholics still have time to denounce this global subversion and stop the establishment of the New Order: let them think about what sort of future they want for the coming generations, and of the destruction of society. Let them think about the responsibility that they have before God, their children, and their nation: as Catholics, as fathers and mothers of their families, and as patriots. 4. Against all odds, average Americans are fighting to expose the massive and coordinated theft of our election: what advice would you give to our recalcitrant politicians about what is at stake for our nation and the world if we submit to this theft? Sursa: www.InsideTheVatican.com Contor Accesări: 897, Ultimul acces: 2025-02-12 22:55:51
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